Parallax Piece with Horizontal Barriers: Corridor with a Parallax
Bruce Nauman, 1971

Parallax Piece with Horizontal Barriers: Corridor with a Parallax

Bruce Nauman, Parallax Piece with Horizontal Barriers: Corridor with a Parallax, 1971

Über das Werk


Titel Parallax Piece with Horizontal Barriers: Corridor with a Parallax
Künstler*in Bruce Nauman
Jahr 1971
Ankauf 1997
Gattung Lichtinstallation
Material Holz, Metall, Leuchtstoffröhren
Maße 304,8 cm x 30,5 cm x 1219,2 cm
Inventar-Nr. D 3842

Bruce Nauman, Parallax Piece with Horizontal Barriers: Corridor with a Parallax, 1971
gesammelt von den Sprengel Freunden
(C) VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022
Foto: Herling/Herling/Werner, Sprengel Museum Hannover

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